Friday, October 09, 2015

I'm Ready

This was the last week before fall break.

Which means that The Principals had stacks of referrals to work and they wanted to get them done before break, obviously.

So on Wednesday, I went from two kids to 15 in the space of two hours.  They were coming in so fast that we couldn't keep up with the in-processing paperwork and I ended up having to stay late to get it done so kids could have assignments ready the next day (we hope).

With that many kids in the room, I have to get a little tougher on them and that was a challenge for some of my more difficult customers.  The end result was one got suspended (for talking, out of her seat, turning around, refusal to work, and my personal favorite, sitting there with her pencil sticking OUT of her ear).  She was so annoying the entire portable erupted in applause when I had her escorted out to the Enforcer's office.

It takes a special kind of person to aggravate the most aggravating kids.  She did it.

There is nothing quite like a middle school classroom on the Friday before break.  And if that middle school classroom contains some of the most notorious troublemakers in the building, well.  It makes for a long day.  Especially when there is a pep rally for the high school homecoming.  And the ISS kids can't go because, well, they're in ISS (they don't seem to get that).

It was a long day.

I'm ready for a week off.

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